Category: Cards & Games

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Gender Neutral Playing Cards Have Everyone Talking Gender neutrality is a movement that has really picked up momentum in recent years. From clothing to children’s toys, tastemakers are changing things to help prevent gender discrimination – with playing cards being the latest item to join the crusade. Indy Mellink, a forensic psychology graduate, wondered why …

Advertising is the driving force behind consumerism meant to catch your attention and inform you – and, sometimes, they happen to be both hilarious and featuring a deck of playing cards or a card game. Check out some of these…

As it turns out, it’s not just about knowing when to hold ‘em – a lot of cards, whether it’s a game of poker or bridge or a magic show cantered around tricks, is down to how you shuffle and deal the cards. We looked around for some of the best resources… Here goes!

By learning, teaching, and playing these bad boys, you can feel like you’ve journeyed to a different place without even leaving your kitchen table. Here are a few of our favourites along with recommendations for some country-specific snacks you could serve alongside to enhance the experience even more.

Solitaire (also known as Patience) is one of the most popular card games ever invented. The popularity of Solitaire began to grow after Microsoft turned it into a household favourite by making it digitally accessible to millions of people across the globe. It can be played with a regular pack of playing cards or one …

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