Swan Games, once a premier online bridge platform launched in 2000, faced a steep decline due to growing competition from …
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How to Avoid Chasing Losses in Bridge
Bridge Docs: Your Go-To for Organizing Bridge System Notes
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Rubber Bridge is a variant of the contract bridge that is often used during a friendly game of kitchen bridge. The scoring is simple, and indeed forms the foundation of all bridge scoring.
Duplicate bridge is a form of bridge where all players in the game play the same deal, or bridge hand. The result of play on a hand is compared to the results of everyone else’s play on that hand and a score is given.
The best way to learn to play bridge depends on your individual learning style. Here are some tips, resources, and links that will get you going.
A typical hand of bridge takes between 5-15 minutes. The number of hands you play depends on scoring, and type of bridge game you’re playing.
The game of bridge is not hard to learn. You can learn the mechanics in a single night of card play. Then, with a few notes and some friendly teachers, you will learn more and become a better player every time you sit at the bridge table.
Bridge is a card game played with a regular deck of 52 cards and loved by millions around the world.
Gender Neutral Playing Cards Have Everyone Talking Gender neutrality is a movement that has really picked up momentum in recent years. From clothing to children’s toys, tastemakers are changing things to help prevent gender discrimination – with playing cards being the latest item to join the crusade. Indy Mellink, a forensic psychology graduate, wondered why …
Face to face play is returning and this summer you’ll see a lot of card games taking place out of doors. But card tables on the grass can be unsteady, and mother nature’s breezes can be playful. The last thing you want is for your expertly bid 6NT to suddenly lose its dummy in the …
One of the easiest ways to celebrate a fantastic personalized deck of cards is to play a card game with it.
Here’s a look at where to find some of the best merchants and marketplaces for card-related things, from vintage to rare collector’s items.
Sometimes you just can’t find three other bridge players, am I right? For those times, here are some great card games you’ll be sure to enjoy.
All About UNO: Best Decks, Game History, And How To Play If you’re looking for a fast-paced, addictive game to enjoy with all members of the family, look no further than UNO. This classic card game has sold over 100 million decks, and with good reason! The History Of UNO UNO was created in Ohio …